I want to get a great score on my ACT by...
Talk to the guidance counselor
When I should take it
Get signed up for it
Get the proper study tools
Get a decent amount of sleep the night before
Eat a proper breakfast and get focused.
Graduate from High School with Honors and at the top of my class by...
Continuing to take difficult courses
Work hard and get work done on time
Pushing myself to be the best I can be
Apply for/receive as many scholarships as possible before I graduate by...
Building a resume by being involved in a lot of things
Submitting my resume on time
Keeping my grades up above a 4.0
Staying in all honors and look at taking CCP classes to better my chances of getting scholarships.
Succeed in the sports I play by…
Working hard during the season and off season
Having a positive attitude
Having fun with my teammates and growing closer as a team
Get a job over the summer to help save for college/car by…
Looking into different jobs that could benefit the career I’m interested in going into
Once I find jobs I’m interested in, apply for them.
Figure out how to balance my sports/activities/school with the amount of work I have to do.
Save money that I earn into a savings accounts for my car and for college.